Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Traxxas Nitro 4-tec 3.3 and Jato 3.3

I was looking around and ran across a video of and old remote control car I used to own so I decided to look for an ad from the company. It seems most people think of R\C things as kids toys that are slow and break right away.
I was surprised at the new version of the car I had and their new off road truck. When I got mine seven years ago I had to put the whole car together and it was just hitting the 50 MPH mark. I had to spend almost three times the money of the current model to get it just above 60. Now they come ready to go 70+ MPH out of the box given you have to put in optional gears. I can't imagine trying to drive these things at top speed. I wonder if putting an ad like that on TV would get a lot of people back into the hobby by showing that the R\C, it made me wish I had mine to go and drive.


morningchill said...

I don't see any characters, plot, or conflict being created in this advertisement, so I'm wondering how exactly this creates a myth?

Unknown said...

Im not debating the fact that these little cars are sweet as hell, but I do have to agree with morningchill that there is no myth involved in this commercial. The only relevant information is a plot; cars go fast on a track. Other than that, I see nothing here that creates a myth