Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Swiffer: Modern

In this Swiffer ad, a distraught woman sits in a therapy session in her home with her mop, which she expresses great frustration with. Her problem is that the mop just doesn’t do enough, and she wonders why it can’t. At this point the therapist steps in to help.
And then comes voiceover woman, telling us how the Swiffer with the scrubbing pad can do everything you need it to, pitting the old against the new. Of course your old mop can’t do that—it’s outdated, and doesn’t come with this wonderful scrubbing strip, nor can you just toss it out when you’re done. In this way, the Swiffer is the hero, saving the distraught woman from the perils of her old mop that just doesn’t cut it.

1 comment:

KimT said...

I think this is a great commercial for a myth analysis. Since house cleaning is not one of my favorite chores, I can feel for the lady in the therapy session. My mop and I need to have a session too.