Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Careerbuilder.com--Promotion Pit

In this commercial for Careerbuilder.com, a truck full of employees is put in a pit to compete for a promotion with a row of board members watching. They use office supplies for shielding as well as weapons. Towards the end a delivery guy comes in and joins the fight for the promotion.

This is one of several of Careerbuilder.com’s jungle themed ads, where survival of the fittest is taken literally and applied to a business situation. This commercial focuses on the real difficulty in attaining a promotion, where in most cases there are several candidates fighting their hardest to attain. It also shows that outsiders can come in and take that job that you’ve been working so hard for. This is where the conflict lies, in that competition between each other for status and pay.

The resolution comes in a few comforting words, “A better job awaits at Careerbuilder.com.” It gives hope, that there is a job that isn’t survival of the fittest. They offer the opportunity that many people can’t find for themselves. A job that is right for you, that you may even like being there.

1 comment:

nacciari said...

I love this commercial because it does as you said take survival of the fittest literally. It shows how hard getting ahead in the work place can be in a comical setting that makes you laught but at the same time think about your own job. I think that Careerbuilder.com did a good job at making themselves the heros for all employees looking to get promotions or a new career.