Friday, March 14, 2008

Dorks <3 Pocari Sweat

I choose to use a Pocari Sweat commercial for my subject for the myth analysis assignment. Pocari Sweat is a Japanese sports drink which has become popular all over the world because of it's unique and odd name. Most Pocari Sweat commercials feature a beautiful young woman as the main character, so I found this one to be quite entertaining and different.

The main characters for this commercial are two young men, probably in their early 20s. The first image you are presented with is of one man having his head shaved bald by his friend. Immediately you think these guys are a bit goofy. Are they the male stereotype known as the "Mook"? Well certainly they are underdogs types. Next we see them pedaling quickly on their bikes to catch up to the tram passing by. We now see the young herione sitting inside the cabin of the tram. She is lovely, but we don't know where she is heading. Will she come back, or is she leaving town for good?

The young man now lifts his hat to reveal a heart that he had shaved on his head. The heroine seems bemused by his new hairstlye and flashes him a quick victory sign. We assume this is proof that she accepts his love as the next scene we see is the young men jumping for joy on the beach. This commercial is simply an against the odds love story. The young goofy guy is able to do something expected to win the lovely young maiden. We can't be sure of the ending to the love story, but we get the feeling that it's positive!

1 comment:

Mike Blaha said...

Great point about the "mook". Energy and the "mook" image go hand in hand. But what's special about this "mook" is that he was able to win over a beautiful young woman. Apparently, that's the difference between other energy drinks and Pocari. I like this commercial. Although it would have been funnier if she flipped them off instead.