Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pepsi Max commercial

In this comercial, people are nodding to sleep during their normal rutines, it shows people at work, out to lunch, and even celebritires nodding away at an award cerimony. After they all drink the product and wake and start dancing to the music in the backgroud. Pepsi makes the conflict the fact that people do not have energy and do to the lack of energy, they all nod to sleep. The resolution to the conflict, is every one drinks the pepsi and are suddenly brought back to life. The consumers are then able to carrie on their lives thanks to Pepsi.


Katie said...

I love the 'what is love' song in the background making the oh so subtle connection to the product. Then, taking the reference to Night at the Roxbury and getting Chris Kattan to appear, along with the already varied cast of celebrities and 'normal folks' in wide spread situations is great.

C. Fuentes said...

Did you catch the reference to SNL? Jim Carey and Will Farrel go head banging from one dance party to another. It's quite a classic SNL skit. just type in "Jim Carey night at the roxbury" in youtube.

Unknown said...

I love the whole commercial. You are correct that this does create a myth. The problem: falling asleep. The solution: Drinking pepsi max. The setting I am guessing is the whole world?? But good commercial!