Thursday, October 16, 2008

Priceless Pep Talk

One of my favorite series of commercials are the "Priceless Pep Talks" by Peyton Manning for Mastercard. I watch a lot of NFL football on Sundays and for obvious reasons they advertise with NFL players a lot more during the times when games are on. The reason why I like these commercials is because it is totally random and has noting to do with what it is advertising for. Also, Peyton Manning is a very established and successful quarterback so this attitude from him is somewhat unexpected. This expresses a humorous side of the All-Star that is not easily seen when he is on the football field.

In this specific add, it starts out with Peyton on the field hiking the ball and then the voice over says, "And now another priceless pep talk with Peyton Manning." Then Manning sits down and addresses the audience as if he was having a face-to-face conversation. He gives advice on how if you want rock hard abs but are over the age of 23 and not a professional football player, it probably is not going to happen. Then he suggests buying bigger shirts as his solution. Then the voice over says, "This has been another priceless pep talk by Peyton Manning". Then the screen shows a website where you can go to see more priceless pep talks (

As I said, pointless. I find this ad compeling on a few different levels. First off, this add only has one main character (Peyton Manning) and one minor character (the audience). The setting is a football practice field and the plot is basically Manning offering advice. The interesting thing is that there is no conflict in this ad. I also think that they do a good job of getting attention to their website. If you found this humorous, you might be compelled to go online and watch more, while undoubtedly being bombarded by Mastercard ads.

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