Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Television and Head Tracking

There are many things that I could touch base on about the future of television, but by chance I stumbled upon this video on a friends blog. It’s definitely new technology that isn’t mass produced yet, but the more people that view it, the more of a demand it will gain. The idea behind it is quite amazing, and I encourage you to check out the video and see what it is all about. What he does is called Head Tracking.
Basically some guy uses his Wii remote and sensor bar to create a 3D type screen. In the video he explains how he produces a 3D image on your television. It’s like having a picture in a picture frame; when that’s all you have it’s a 2D image, but when you take the photo out, and use just the frame it is essentially creating a window for which you can view things. When I first saw the 3D image on his TV, it freaked me out. I thought it was fake and computer generated. So I asked my brother about it, and sure enough, it is something that can, and has been done.
I think a lot of significance lies within this new innovation because it is going to change the way we play video games, and watch television. We can view something 3D on a 2D screen. Not only will you be playing the game, or watching a television show, you will be IN it. After watching the first video, I was interested to see if there was any further development with the idea. Low and behold, there was Finger Tracking. You should check this one out as well.
If anyone has seen the movie Minority Report, the idea of moving a things around on a screen becomes real.
Some importance that this holds, is it will make it easier to view many things at once, and move them around with the swipe of a finger- without touching the screen- unlike the iPhone or the iPod touch.
All in all, I think this is a GREAT idea and I can’t wait until it is released to the general public as something that is marketable.
Just think of what it might to do those crazy sports fans; being able to move your head and see more or less as if you were there. It's going to be awesome!

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