Tuesday, November 25, 2008

interent radio on PSP

It doesn’t take an expert to realize that traditional radio is dying in the near and far future. The Radio landscape that was once dominated by only AM and FM stations has dramatically changed over the past 10 years both within the industry and beyond its borders. New technological forms have invaded the industry and changed the way we broadcast, receive, listen and even consume radio. HD radio, satellite radio and internet radio are some of the more obvious new radio forms responsible for the fall of traditional radio. But the thing that is up and coming in the last couple of month has to be PSP’s latest innovation.
Whatever your ear poison, chances are PSP’s latest 3.93 firmware upgrade has an option for you, thanks to it adding 20 new themed radio station players to listen via any Wi-Fi hotspot. The idea of streaming and listening to internet radio on PSP is “the Killer” feature that will storm the industry at a rapid rate. Who knew expanding your music library could be so easy. You can pigeonhole your taste at ease and listen to music by genre, artist, year and many other categories. Sony was successful in coming up with a fairly simple implementation for the average customer. This gives the consumer the ability to listen to internet radio on the go. It is easy to use and install, in just few steps you will be browsing through the many genres and music stations that are available.
The significance of this innovation lies in the effect it will have on traditional radio. This innovation by PSP gives listeners the luxury of listening to internet radio on the go. In other words, this feature introduces a new trend of internet radio by streaming audio podcasts off the internet, where pretty much you can make your own station and share it with friends or the whole world. It is the popularity of PSP especially among young generations that makes this feature threatening to the traditional radio. The impact of this new innovation will be felt by the traditional radio stations that depend on listeners in their car. Such listeners now have the option to connect their PSP to their car and listen to commercial free radio or even their own radio, instead of the more conventional stations.

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