Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Change is coming for the print industry

With technology always advancing and taking over many aspects of our life with replacing simpler and classic objects one could see that the possible replacement of a nice old fashioned book made of dead trees was not far from sight.
Recently in the St. Paul Pioneer press there was an article about the new Kindle, Apple Handheld and Sony Reader that have come out to serve as an electronic book. Pros and cons have been made about each but with my research I have found that many are more interested I the Sony Reader. With its light adjusting background, which makes it easier to read in different settings, virtual page flipping, for the old style book appeal, and its light weight and size makes it portable and easy on the body where carrying many books may cause strain, the Sony Reader has been impressing even the most avid book lovers. This will be important for the future because if it catches on then the sales of the actual object of a book will decrease and leave authors quite upset. With authors liking their materials to be published and printed, this e- book is not necessarily loved by all writers. Instead of seeing people on planes with their favorite novel in hand we will start seeing electronic books, most likely the handy Sony Reader in place of the book. With the economy as it is right now the E-books are not taking off as much as their makers would like them too, but with the innovators out there jumping on every new gadget I am sure that word will get out on how handy these things are and the e-book industry will take off. I do not think that it will replace the book completely, nothing can replace the good old paperbacks, the industry will just have to make some changes as far as publishing goes and costs of selling the books electronically. They will have to collaborate with the makers of the electronic books to find a way to please not only the authors but the consumers and the print industry as well. The print industry will never die off, but some changes will need to be made in order to keep up with the times.

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