Sunday, October 12, 2008


Thin and beautiful is what many women in our society strive to achieve.  Anywhere you go in a grocery store, you are sure to see plenty of items labeled “Low fat” or “Low sugar!” On television, food advertisements take a huge chuck out of the commercial slots. Some just throw the food in front of your way, showing the food in the best, mouth watering, indulging way possible, but some, like the commercial shown above, creates a story for us to relate to.

In this commercial (Made in Thailand) A young beautiful thin women is carefully looking at some noodles dangling in front of her. She takes a few glances around and cuts off a small piece of it, landing on her plate of other bits and small pieces of food. This continues on, looking at the large portions of food with a bit of disgust. Then, like some sort of vortex, a large slab of meat attaches to her stomach! Oh god, what has happened? Ripping it off, it reveals a crying belly button, whining that it could not eat it. She slaps her stomach to shut it up and then a large tuna can appears on the screen that is low in fat.

The ad focuses in on diets and depicts it as an extreme in this commercial. It also targets woman, since the main character is a beautiful skinny girl herself.  The portions of food on her plate are even too little for a mouse. So by eating so little, who does this affect? Her stomach of course as it whines and whines wishing for just a slurp of noodle or a taste of real meat. Want to be skinny and beautiful without making your stomach whine? The sealed tuna is here to save the day of course at the end of the commercial, not because of how it tastes, but because it is low in fat!


The commercial is meant to be funny, first by showing the woman’s ridiculous choice and amount of food, then shows her poor stomach, with help of a little animation, crying! The tuna is not even shown in the ad until the end by itself but already the ads wants the consumer to believe “I don’t have to starve myself? Holy cow I can eat REAL FOOD?” Buy their product, eat it and you can be free of whiny belly buttons.

The ad is creative and funny; I like how it took an extreme and twisted way of how women diet and the affects it has on their bodies. You should be able to eat more; therefore food products that are low in fat give people that choice.

I don’t like tuna though; dolphin meat makes me cry for Flipper.


Alanna RH said...

I can't help but laugh insanely every time I watch that now... the crying part is just too funny. XD In any case, I think you a pretty good job, though you seem to confuse 'women' and 'woman.' Women represents more than one woman. Just pointing that out- otherwise everything else looks pretty darn good. They really do push that "diet" to the extreme- just watching her snip that noodle was a bit shocking (though funny as well).

marlena said...

This ad will have to be my favorite out of all the other ones. Great job! I can re-watch it a thousand times and still laugh. I wonder where this tuna is from.