Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Talking Stains

For my advertising and myth analysis I picked a tide commercial. There are two main charecters in the commercial one is younger male who is going to a job interview, and the second is the adult male who is doing the interview. The setting is in the office of the guy doing the interview. Both people are dressed like your typical businessman, both have suits on, both have thier hair clean cut and both look somewhat professional. Excpet for one minor thing that creates the conflict in the commercial.

The conflict that is going on in this commercial is that the guy who is going in for the interview happpens to have a big stain on his shirt. Now as we all know when we go into a job interview we need to look clean cut, and cant have stains on our clothing. Well the stain on the guys shirt is the only that that the man doing the interview can pay attention too. In the commercial the stain is actually talking and taking the attention away from the interview and on to the stain on the shirt. i would say that this is pretty much a social value that we should not have stains and tings like that on our clothing when we are going to a job interview.

Now the important part of this whole commercial is the product that is being advertised. Think of how easy it can happen where you are thirty minutes away from homw and you are going to a job interview and you stop for a quick bite to eat. All of a sudden you look down and there is a nice big ketchup stain down the front of your shirt. Hoenstly what would you do. well in this commercial you could be saved if you have the new TIDE STICK. This will remove that stain for you and get your shirt back to looking like new. So in this commercial if the guy going to the interview would have had a tide stick he would have been able to get rid of that stain and probably have a much more effective interview then he had with the stain. In other words the tide stick would be the hero in this story. I think this is easy for all of us to relate to because we have all spilt something on the front of a shirt, and there is now a product that will get rid of that stain.

1 comment:

Chris F. said...

This is a copy/paste job from the other member of our class who analyzed this ad, but I figured I might as well post it so that you can get the input as well!

I enjoyed this ad and I think it's particularly effective. A common structure of a lot of ad campaigns is to show the possible effects of NOT using the product or service, and then exaggerating those effects to absurd and hopefully humorous levels. I think this ad performed that remarkably well and chose a subject that almost all of us can relate to.