Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Meet Carmen Electra IceBreakers Ice Cubes Commercial

The commercial I chose for my advertising and myth analysis is the Carmen Electra Ice Breakers commercial. This commercial starts off with all of the men lined up around the block waiting with photos in hand to meet Carmen Electra. The next thing you see is Carmen with two large body guards. This is when an announcement is made over the loud speaker “Carmen Electra will be available for photos and autographs at noon." As the photo and autograph session begins, one of the body guards tells Carmen “Any problems, say the word!” As the photo and autograph session continues there is a large variety of many different types of men getting their picture taken with Carmen. When some of the men were beginning to make Carmen seem uncomfortable that same body guard was very anxious to jump into action at any moment. But because Carmen had not said the word yet, the other body guard says “chill”. The next man that approaches Carmen is an ordinary harmless looking guy who offers her some gum. Carmen gladly accepts, and pops it into her mouth. This gum gives Carmen a very cold sensation that catches her off guard and allows her to exclaim the phrase “Whoa”. “Whoa” was the word she was to say if she was having any problems. The body guards quickly glance at each other and then they immediately tackle the guy down. Then the voice over says: “Ice Cubes gum, frosted cubes so surprisingly cold, beware of the spontaneous whoa”. Then the camera goes back to Carmen as she giggles while picking up the pack of Ice Cubes gum.

This commercial is showing us that when you bite into this gum you will get a cold sensation that will make you exclaim the phrase whoa, no matter what kind of situation you are in. They are also making it clear that this is the kind of breath freshener that the D- listers prefer. They also make it into a funny situation where the nice young man that offers her the gum, gets tackled.

1 comment:

rmscout said...

I dont remember seeing this one before. I think you did a good analysis of this video