Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited

On November 13, 2007, Marvel Comics created Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited, which has allowed fans to be able to view and access their favorite comics from Marvel in a whole new way. Currently, subscribers have two choices of either paying a fee of $9.99 for a month of access to the archive or paying $59.88 for a whole year’s access (this is cheaper than paying for one month access repeatedly). Visitors to the site can view the first few pages of all the comics, to get a sample of what the system is like. There are over 5,000 comics on the site right now, with Marvel adding around 20 comics each week. Newer issues of comics are not put into the archive till at least six months after they have been released in print as to not undercut Marvel’s print sales. Also, to provide more incentive to get fans to sign up for Digital Comics Unlimited, Marvel will release some exclusive comics that can only be found online through their digital comics service, such as Fin Fang Four, Iron Man: Fast Friends, The Incredible Hulk: Fury Files American Eagle, Marvel’s Channel, and Kid Colt.

Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited is significant in the future of comic books. First, in general print media is facing a lot of competition from its online counterparts. By having their archive online Marvel is able to allow fans to view all the comics they want, without having stacks upon stacks of comic books piled up at home. It is unlikely that most people just happen to have 5,000 comic books lying around the house, and so by offering them online, it is easier for the viewer to have access to a wide array of comic book titles. Also, the online service is cheaper than buying the hardcover copy, which is typically priced at $2.99 a piece.

Also, the quality of the comics visually is not diminished by being put online. Marvel goes through the process of carefully scanning each issue, revealing comics with vibrant colors and clear graphics and print. Comics are viewed in a separate flash browser.
For viewing the comics, there are several options including single page viewing, double page, or smart panels. Smart panels is a new and futuristic option because it allows every individual panel to be maximized and gives comic book readers a clearer and up close viewing of each panel, so nothing is missed. Also, to make the viewing experience more natural and smooth, there is transition plug-ins to go from panel to panel or page to page.

Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited will shape the future of comics because it brings the age old art of comic books into the new digital age. There is more access to comics than ever before, exclusive comics only found online, a cheaper price, less clutter, and convenience for the user; the user doesn’t have to run to the comic book shop to buy an issue if he or she doesn’t want to or can’t get to the store. And with the availability of the internet on mobile phones and other similar devices, comics can also be viewed on the go in your pocket.

1 comment:

Matt B said...

As a comic book reader, this is exciting news. I know most of the major publishers have been putting a few comics online for a while, but this is the first I've heard of them actually trying to make money from it. In a way, it was inevitable as actual comic book stores are harder and harder to come by. Gotta go where the customers are, you know? As with seemingly every media industry...the customers are on the internet.