Tuesday, May 13, 2008

We are always changing

Throughout this whole semester we have been talking about how media has changed our lives, and how vastly the spectrum of technology has changed over the decades. Some argue that our technological advances are slow, and the future generations will have problems because we lack motivation and brains. This post is not about those crazy assholes whole think the world is doomed, it will focus on how the media has advanced our thinking, and even though most of what we see on TV and the Internet is porn and violence, there is still hope for the future. When television came out, the shows were geared towards men after 5, and during the afternoon focused on women and Saturday mourning's were cartoon days for the kids. Today media has not changed at all; soaps during the day, sporting events at night, and lousy cartoons. Radio still plays music and talk shows. Instead of pong, we are playing highly advanced games with realistic graphics. I can see why the old bastards are so jealous of their younger rivals; we have what they never dreamed of. I always listen to analyst's discuss the trouble amongst young people, and how we are getting all drugged up and having kids at 15, dropping out of school and killing people. All of their allegations are true, but couldn't we say the same thing about their generation? The only difference is there was no one to report the shocking news. Technology has advanced this world greatly in the sense that information is more readily available. This is why we "young people" get a bad rap; because someone is there to report, and someone is there to get the news out immediately and someone is always looking for a story. Technology though has hurt us in this sense. I thought the whole purpose of advancing technology was to advance our understanding of how things work, and how we can make life better. Have I lost touch with reality? I am pretty sure many view media and technology as a monster that is destroying the god loving innocent bastards out there. I think people need to realize that we are always changing, and media will always have the same sexual innuendo agenda and a violent profile for the male and a drama filled life for the female. If this is the world you live in, I do feel sorry for you.

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