Friday, February 29, 2008

Youtube = celebrity

Youtube = celebrity

The introduction of Youtube was something we and the internet has never seen before. It allowed people to post video of anything they wanted to share as long as the material was suitable. It also paved the path for every day people to be seen all over the world making them “celebrities” in a way. All you have to do is post the video and wait for people to find in and start reposting it themselves. There are a few regulations that have to be followed but any body can do it, meaning anyone can become a “netbrity”.

There are many examples of netbrities coming from Youtube but there are two that I will be using to analysis. The first one and most resent of the two it the “Leave Britney Alone” video. The video starts with Chris Crocker telling people to “leave Britney alone” and how she has been through a lot and doesn’t deserve what is happening to her in the media. He is crying as he is saying his speech and is holding a blanket up behind him (I’m assuming he is hiding what his room looks like). The video is a little over two minutes long in total. It was almost like an over night sensation. It was the number one Youtube video for far too long if you ask me. From the video it seems he is being very serious in his defiance of Britney and how the media has treated her. It was all over the net and media after it became popular on Youtube. With out the video being posted on Youtube know one would have paid any attention to him or his video. But because Youtube has so much power in the media videos that don’t cost anything to make and has no real purpose can make celebrities over night. There are also many post in response making fun of him and saying to leave him alone.

The second video I analyzed was “The End of the World” animation. This minute and a half animation done for a college project has become a cult sensation. It is very big in the college age group which is the age that the video is targeted to. The creators taped into something that college students could attach to and what to keep watching it and telling friends about. The animation is about how we are going to blow our selves up with nuclear missiles. It is done in an overly ridicules way that makes is very amusing. Because the video is an animation it doesn’t make a celebrity per say. It did make a celebrity of the video itself. The creators names don’t appear on the Youtube video that I found making the only celebrity the video.

The last video I am going to write about is one of the bigger Youtube cult sensations, “shoes”. The character Kelly likes shoes and lets every one know it. The video is done with low to no budget and I assume is for a class project. It has become a cult sensation because it is done in a so over the top manner that you can’t help but like it and want to watch it again as well as the others the creator has made. This is mostly big with girls because of the subject matter and they can relate more to what is happening in the video.

The “celebrities” from Youtube are what they are because of the average person. The every day person gets to have a say in what the media is focusing on and that gives them a little more power. They feel that they have more of a say because they are an active participant in whom and what becomes popular on Youtube. And because Youtube gets in the mass media outlets they have a feeling of ownership. If you don’t like something or if you really like something you make and post a video on Youtube. It’s away to be heard from the comforts of your own home. I think that Youtube celebrities are funny and I don’t think of them as celebrities. They are hear and gone in the matter of minutes and some times even less.


slink said...

all three video were hilarious the discriptions of them were all on point and the summary at the end i also thought was very true, you tube is popular because the common peopele get to deside what is hott and they can always watch what they want on demand

kageev said...

It is much easier to become a celebrity nowadays with the help of the internet. I'm sure some of us have heard about Tila Tequila, the girl who had the most hits on myspace. She became famous and had her own love show on MTV . The video about leaving Britney alone, I see that almost everytime I watch E! News. Another person who has become famous through myspace is Colby Caillait. She was rejected by American Idol, but did not give up. Her friends helped her upload some of her songs onto myspace and pretty soon people were like, "Who's this Colby Caillait chick? I like her song "Bubbly" and then she became famous. Now you can spot her at the red carpet looking like a California surf girl. Talk about American Idol, many others who did not make the top cuts are also having their videos being played on youtube and myspace. For example, josiah leming, didn't make the top 24 or 25 and now he has his songs playing on youtube. If u go to his myspace page, you can listen to his music and you can also download them onto your ipod for about a dollar something. Nowadays, anyone can become a star. You just have to be unique.